Title I
Title I of IASA Improving Americas School Act of 1994, provides federal funds for students enrolled in private schools located within the boundaries of a School District school receiving Title I funding. Each school receiving Title I funding must file an annual affidavit of non-public status with the County Office of Education.
Students attending non-public schools are eligible for Title I services if they reside within the boundaries of a public Title I school, and if they have scores in the 50th percentile or below on standardized tests in overall reading, language arts and math skills.
Title I provides, to eligible students, extra services to support programs such as instruction in language arts, math and technology
Title VI
To be eligible to participate in the Title VI program, private non-profit schools must: (1) establish non-profit status; (2) serve children in at least one grade level from kindergarten through grade 12; and (3) File annually with Department of Education.
Title VI can support a broad range of local activities in eight primary areas: (1) technology related to implementing reform; (2) acquisition and use of instructional and educational materials, including library materials and computer software; (3) promising education reform projects such as magnet schools; (4) programs for at-risk children; (5) literacy programs for students and their parents; (6) programs for gifted and talented children; (7) school reform efforts linked to Goals 2000; and (8) school improvement programs or activities authorized under Title I.