We're better together. Each member school selects a Liaison, typically their academic dean or a teacher, to represent their mission, interests, and aims in our strategizing. TAIS Liaisons are instrumental in guiding professional development, harnessing the expertise within our network, and curating relevant resources for our schools. 


 Eastern Region Liaisons

School Liaison(s) Grades
Baylor School Suzanne Collins 6-12
Boyd-Buchanan School   PK-12

Brainerd Baptist School

Jesse Robinson PK-5
Bright School Elizabeth Oakes PK-8
Episcopal School of Knoxville Kristie Saliba PK-8
Girls Preparatory School

Ralph Covino


McCallie School Sumner McCallie 6-12
Skyuka Hall Melanie Covert K-9
St. Andrew's - Sewanee School Rachel Malde 6-12
St. Nicholas School Michelle Bertani PK-5
St. Peter's Episcopal School Randi Schlosser PK-5
Webb School of Knoxville

Liz Britt

Nancy Manikas




Updated 2022